Accessibility Tools

The Project

The Web-Lab project is an innovative initiative currently addressing the challenges faced by young people with fewer opportunities in their education and transition into adulthood. Recognising the similarities and differences in the issues faced by young people across European countries, the project is creating a unified approach to develop competencies and tackle the job market within the European Union.

The primary tangible outcome of the project is the Web-Lab platform. This platform is being shared with potential users as widely as possible to achieve the desired impact. The platform serves as an ideal tool for reaching the target audience of dissemination activities - young people with fewer opportunities and young people at risk, as well as all other vulnerable groups. This platform is enabling others to access the project's results. It is expected that the audience perceives it as an inspiration and a best practice example, and that educational institutions are using it with students and other users. The platform is being used to enhance the visibility of the Web-Lab project and promote partner organisations.

The project involves both direct and indirect participants. Direct participants include 200 young people with fewer opportunities from Italy, Croatia, Norway, Latvia, and Spain who are participating in the first project result and in testing the platform upon its completion. They are also contributing to creating content for the platform. Additionally, 10 experts in psychology and pedagogical-psychological professionals from all countries are participating in developing and implementing the first project result.

Indirect participants who are benefiting from the project include approximately 80 people working with young people from all partner countries who are benefiting from the created tools and the use of Web-Lab. Approximately 400 students and pupils have been introduced to the platform through dissemination activities and are able to use Web-Lab. At least 150 people (young people with fewer opportunities, teachers, social workers, pedagogues, psychologists, and stakeholders) are participating in multiplier events.

The project is being carried out over a period of 25 months, with three transnational meetings planned during this period. These meetings are being held at key moments, before the start of the implementation of project results and after their completion, to maintain regular communication between partners and ensure the monitoring and implementation of project activities.

Focus Group Platform Webinar